Monday, July 12, 2010

When A Network Doesn't Connect

Make sure to check the following:

Release and renew the IP address, using the following commend line command:
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew

If that doesn't work, make sure to reboot all the routers, and reboot the PC

Remote Performance Monitor for .NET CF Application

First, the .NET Compact Framework SDK is needed on the desktop PC
Second, copy the following files to the \windows directory on the remote device:

From C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\CoreCon\1.0\Target\wce400\
* edbgtl.dll
* tcpconnectiona.dll

From the service pack 1 installation folder (typically C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\CompactFramework\v2.0\WindowsCE\ )
* netcfrtl.dll
* netcflaunch.exe

Third, run the RPM executable (netcfrpm.exe) that is placed in the bin directory of Compact Framework SDK. On my machine, this directory is C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\CompactFramework\v2.0\bin

After that, run the netcflaunch.exe that is on the remote device under the \windows directory.

Come back to the PC. Since the netcfrpm.exe program is already running, to view dynamic performance statistics for your application, select the "Live Counters...." option under the File menu, it will bring up another window.

Before you can view live statistics, you must connect the RPM to your device and specify the application you'd like to run. The instructions for connecting the RPM to your device vary based on whether the connection between your desktop machine and your device is via Active Sync or an Ethernet connection. If your connection is over ActiveSync, your device will automatically appear in the Device drop down in the RPM user interface. If your desktop machine is connected to the device through a direct network connection, you must know the IP address and port number through which the RPM can connect to your device. This information can be obtained by the already running netcflauch.exe from the \windows directory of your device.
It may appear like this:
version 1.0
Connection Parameters: 6510

Before connecting to the device, you must specify the application you'd like to monitor using the Application text box. Be sure to type the fully qualified path name to the executable you wish to run on the device. For example, \Program Files\poomcominterop\poomcominterop.exe. If your applications takes command line parameters, you can specify them in the Parameters text box. If you need to specify more than one parameter, be sure to separate them with a space.

After you've selected the device to connect to, and specified the application to launch, click the Connect button in the lower right corner of RPM's user interface. The RPM will send a command to the device to remotely launch the application and start pulling back performance statistics.
